Student Protection

The Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Schools Student Protection Processes and Guidelines recognise our commitment to the protection of children and young people while upholding their right to a safe and secure environment. School staff must abide by the Code of Conduct and have a mandated responsibility to report a reasonable suspension of harm to a student.

All school personnel, including volunteers, must have an understanding of both appropriate conduct, and how to identify and respond to instances of harm to a student. 

Additional information can be located on the TCS Student Protection Page using the following link :

Student Protection Contacts

Student Protection Contacts are available to advise on Student Protection issues in the school. Current contacts are:

Mr Andrew Kendall (Principal)

Mr Matthew Brown (Deputy Principal)

Mrs Jennifer Fenn (Guidance Counsellor)

Blue Cards

Under the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000 all people working in child-related employment are assessed for their eligibility to work with children based on their police history and disciplinary information.  Accordingly, all staff and volunteers working with children in Toowoomba Catholic schools are required to hold a current valid Blue Card or teacher registration with the Queensland College of Teachers.


If you wish to volunteer on campus or assist on excursions please follow this link to the Toowoomba Catholic Diocese Volunteers and Visitors page, complete the tabs and return to the school a completed and signed Volunteers Declaration Form.