Parents & Friends Association

The St Joseph’s Parents and Friends Association (P&F) meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Administration Building on the Primary Campus.

The Association is part of the Federation of Parents and Friends Associations Queensland, and as such is guided by the initiatives and directions that govern Parents & Friends groups in Catholic Schools throughout Queensland. 

The St Joseph’s P&F provides opportunities for parents to discuss current issues at the school and in education in general.  It also is a major force in fundraising for the school, with annual activities such as:

  • The Stanthorpe Show Can Bar
  • P&F Trivia Night
  • Containers for Change collections

P&F Executive Committee

The current executive is:

President: Christopher Sunderland

Vice President: Gianna Zanatta-Blaxland

Secretary:  Nicole Bongers

Treasurer: Paulette Ferrier