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St Joseph’s School has a clear focus on learning. We encourage our students to be the best learners they can be and our teachers to be the best teachers they can be.
Recently Toowoomba Catholic School released an updated Teaching & Learning Framework which describes the priorities and requirements for all schools in relation to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting. The Framework directs and informs schools, providing them with a cohesive and comprehensive blueprint for delivering a consistent and equitable education, so that all students, regardless of their location, backgrounds, or abilities, are provided access to high-quality education.
Curriculum that is delivered to our students is informed by the Australian Curriculum in P-10, the TCS P-10 Religious Education Curriculum and the Queensland Senior Syllabuses and Vocational Education and Training requirements for Years 11 and 12. The teachers use the curriculum as the starting point to plan their units of work and individual lessons. Planning for personalised learning, that is, taking into account the needs of individual students, is a key part of this planning.
Pedagogy refers to how the curriculum is taught and how students are supported to learn. The TCS pedagogical model aims to maximise learning success. This model has the following priorities and elements.
Pedagogy priorities
Expert teachers employ high impact, evidence informed teaching practices informed by the science of how students learn best.
Effective teaching practices:
- develop expert learners who can operate capably and confidently in local and global contexts
- liberate human potential and spirit
- stimulate an appetite for lifelong learning
- inspire students to live lives of substance and meaning.
The TCS pedagogical model reflects how students learn best and clarifies the expected practices and strategies that personalise, connect and maximise student learning.
Elements of the TCS pedagogical model - Maximise Learning Success
- Enable learning
Teachers enable learning for all students by maintaining a safe, orderly, disciplined learning culture where students belong, feel valued and experience success.
- Phases of learning - Engage, Build, Deepen, Apply
Teachers deliberately choose high impact strategies that align with the following phases of learning and how students learn.
- Engage thinking: Draw attention and focus to the learning and spark curiosity.
- Build knowledge: Acquire, think, practice.
- Deepen understanding: Connect, practice, reflect.
- Apply learning: Transfer, extend, generate.
- Empower learner agency
Teachers empower learner agency when they:
- empower, enable and support students to reflect on and take responsibility for their own learning
- support students in the capabilities of design, creative thinking, collaboration and problem solving
- encourage students to explore local and global contexts and issues from a Catholic perspective
- model the attributes of a lifelong learner.
The following two flowcharts detail the elements of the TCS pedagogical model.
If you have any queries about your child’s learning, please contact their teacher, relevant curriculum leader or a member of the School Leadership Team.
God Bless

The annual NAPLAN tests for Year 3,5,7 and 9 students are fast approaching, with the official testing window commencing on 12 March with the writing test. With the move to Term 1 for the test schedule again this year, students participated in a practice test session at school recently. This was designed to re-familiarise the students in Years 5, 7 and 9 with the NAPLAN platform, as well as the variety of question formats used across the different tests. For our Year 3 students, it was their first formal dip into the NAPLAN waters, and they performed exceptionally well. Information regarding the NAPLAN schedule will be sent home to parents shortly.
For Secondary students, the assessment and drafting pressures will be starting to build as we move into the assessment period. I encourage all students and parents to be proactive in their communication if additional support is required in any subject and where possible, this communication occurs well in advance of assessment deadlines. A reminder to parents and students to re-familiarise yourselves with the SJS Assessment & Drafting framework documents as they include critical information to support these processes.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Call to be… Christ-Like
Called to live… Mercy
Matthew Brown
Deputy Principal
It seems almost impossible that we are now in the second half of Term 1. With time passing so quickly, it is important that we make every moment count. During our assembly last week, the students were asked to consider whether they had used their time wisely in the first half of the term. As a school, the focus was obviously on learning but also on choices they had made about behaviour and attitudes towards others.
In a similar vein, this week we have participated in a liturgy for Ash Wednesday which heralds the commencement of Lent, which is typically a period of reflection, contemplation and sacrifice. Through their religion lessons in the coming weeks, the students will be learning more about the significance of this important Christian time.
Since the last newsletter we have started spelling lessons across Years 3-6, which is part of the Literacy Block that now takes place across all classes on the Primary Campus each morning. The structure of this spelling program builds on the phonics work of Prep - Year 2 and extends it into more complex vocabulary as well as the etymology of words ie the understanding of word origins. Other aspects of the Literacy Block encompass reading fluency, language comprehension, and writing. In these areas, students engage with a variety of authentic texts to enhance both their comprehension and writing skills.
Next week will see the start of NAPLAN for students in Year 3 and Year 5. This is an important opportunity for us to gather data about our students against national standards which complements the ongoing school data that we collect and assists in the next steps of the learning process. Parents are asked to avoid making appointments for the child during this time if possible so that all students can sit the tests at the same time as their cohort. However, we do have the ability to extend the testing ‘window’ into Week 8 should this be necessary.
Other things which have happened on the Primary Campus have included a futsal competition, the first school disco of the year as well as swimming lessons.
With God's blessings
Sarah Yates
Assistant Principal Primary & Teaching & Learning
Ash Wednesday: A Call to Mercy
This week we received the ashes as we began our Lenten journey, a time to reflect on our lives and deepen our relationship with God. "Repent, and believe the Good News" – these words remind us of our shared humanity and the importance of living each day with purpose.
This Ash Wednesday, let’s consider how we represent our school's Mercy values as we journey through Lent.
- Courage: Lent calls us to have the courage to face our imperfections and weaknesses. It takes courage to look inwards, to acknowledge where we fall short, and to strive for change. This might mean having the courage to apologise, to stand up for what's right, or to try something new that pushes us outside our comfort zone.
- Service: Lent is a time for service. Let’s ask ourselves: How can we use our talents and gifts to serve others? This could be volunteering time or helping a friend in need. Acts of service directly reflect the example of Jesus.
- Compassion: The ashes remind us of our shared vulnerability, calling us to show compassion to ourselves and others. Let’s strive to understand and empathise with those who are suffering, both near and far. Practice kindness in interactions, offer a listening ear and be a source of comfort to those who need it.
- Respect: Lent is a time to cultivate respect for God, for ourselves, and for all of creation. Let’s treat each person with dignity and reverence, recognising the inherent worth of every human being.
This Lent, let’s not simply give up something, but actively choose to embrace the Mercy values.
St Joseph’s will be supporting Project Compassion, Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fund and awareness-raising appeal. Project Compassion supports vulnerable communities around the world, empowering them to build a better future. Throughout Lent, your children may be asked to contribute to Project Compassion through small donations, helping to make a tangible difference in the lives of those less fortunate. We encourage you to discuss the importance of compassion and service with your children.
In the spirit of Mercy,
Mary Roberts
Acting Assistant Principal: Mission & Identity
Social Media & Comparison Culture
Young people today are growing up in a world where exposure to other people's lives is constant. Through social media and other platforms, they are regularly presented with curated highlights - from flawless holiday photos and academic milestones to the latest fashion trends and fitness achievements. This continuous stream of idealised content fuels what is known as comparison culture, where self-worth is often measured by how someone stacks up against others.
For children and adolescents, who are still figuring out who they are, this culture can be particularly damaging. Constantly comparing their appearance, achievements, or social standing to friends, influencers, and even strangers can lead to unrealistic expectations and a skewed sense of self-worth. This relentless need to measure up can contribute to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and anxiety - undermining both confidence and emotional wellbeing.
It's vital that parents and caregivers understand how deeply comparison culture can influence a child's self-perception and sense of value. Left unchecked, it can foster perfectionism and a dependence on external validation, where a 'like' or comment becomes the measure of their worth.
The good news is, families have a powerful role to play in helping young people navigate these challenges. This Special Report will help you empower your child to build the resilience and confidence needed to navigate today's comparison-driven world and embrace their own unique path.
Here is the link to the Special Report:
To celebrate our School's incredible 150th anniversary, we're offering a limited edition cooler!
Pop into the office to grab yours before they're all gone.
As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure a smooth and safe school drop-off and pick-up experience, we'd like to remind everyone about the proper use of the 5-Minute Zone located across from the school.
Please remember to:
Move Forward: After your child has safely exited the vehicle, we kindly ask that you continue to move forward to allow the next car in line to drop off or pick up. This helps to keep the traffic flow steady and minimises wait times for everyone.
Stay Within the Zone: Ensure you are using the designated drop-off zone area and avoid double-parking or stopping in undesignated areas.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Your adherence to these guidelines helps to ensure the safety and convenience of all our students and their families.
SCHOOL PHOTO ORDERS - Have you placed your order yet ?
Just a friendly reminder that school photo orders will close at the end of next week, Friday 14th March 2025. No late orders will be accepted. Don't miss out on capturing these special memories!
For more information, please see the flyer below.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Wednesday 5th March, saw students and staff came together for a heartfelt Ash Wednesday service.
The atmosphere was peaceful and reverent as we embarked on this significant journey together.

The Religion and Ethics students have been exploring wedding rituals across the five major world religions this Term. Fr Nathan conducted a lesson on the beliefs and rituals of the Catholic Church where students discussed the following topics:
- The significance of symbols and traditions in Catholic weddings.
- How the rite of matrimony emphasises procreation, permanence, fidelity, and mutual good.
The students also had the opportunity to participate in a mock wedding at the end, which was lots of fun!
Massive thanks to Fr Nathan for engaging the class and creating such an interesting lesson!

This term, Year 7 Religious Education students have been delving into exploring the structure of the church and the roles and responsibilities of its members.
Fr Nathan visited the classroom to explain the significance of a priest's attire and the liturgical colours representing different liturgical seasons.
As this is an important year in our school's journey, students have been researching the school's history. A visit to the history room revealed fascinating insights into the past, including changes in uniforms, historical bookwork, and the joy of discovering past staff and family members in old albums and yearbooks.
This study has been both educational and engaging for the students, with all keen to visit again and explore the mystery of what lies beyond the walls of the Mary Agnes Centre.

On Monday evening, 24th February, Year 12 students - Grace Roberts, Larissa George, and Liam Telfer represented our school at the Stanthorpe Lions Youth of the Year competition. The three students performed exceptionally well, showcasing their talents and making the school proud. They were a credit to themselves, their families, and our school.
Congratulations to Grace Roberts who was awarded the overall winner, a well-deserved achievement. She will move on to the next round of the competition on 16th March.
Additionally, Liam Telfer was awarded the Best Speech for his prepared speech. Congratulations to Liam for delivering a heartfelt and moving speech.
All three students are to comended for their outstanding efforts and we congratulate them all.

Congratulations to our Year 8 debating team for their participation in the first round of the Queensland Debating Union Toowoomba Region Debating Competition held on Toowoomba on 26th February.
Although they did not secure a victory against Fairholme College, all our students delivered outstanding performances and showcased their skills. Students are eagerly looking forward to the second round and continue to demonstrate their dedication and enthusiasm.
Well done, team! We are proud of your efforts and can't wait to see your progress in the next round.
The first Primary Disco of 2025, held on Friday, February 29th, was an absolute blast!
A huge round of applause to the organising team for putting together such an enjoyable evening. Hats off to the music maestro who undoubtedly kept the energy up with fantastic music selections. It's heartwarming to see so many families pitching in by donating baked goods, adding to the fun of the night.
A big thanks to everyone who supervised the event, ensuring everything ran smoothly. With all those energetic dance moves, it's no surprise that some children went home exhausted!
It was truly a memorable and successful event for everyone involved.

It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. In fact, some titles will be under $5.00!
The Book fair also provides an opportunity to pick up some great affordable gifts – and the gift of reading for enjoyment and knowledge is a lifetime one!
Book Fair dates: Mon 17th March – Fri 20th March
Shopping hours: 8.00am – 8.30am and 3.00pm – 3.30pm
We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair!

The P & F Association is seeking volunteers to help out on the night. If you can assist, please contact the School Office at 4681 5900.
We can't wait to see you there!
FREE Webinar 18 March 2025 - Digital Media Literacy & Safety (Part 1)
Parents, carers, grandparents, educators and school leaders are invited to attend an exclusive webinar supporting Primary and Secondary students.
WEBINAR: Digital Media Literacy & Safety (Part 1)
DATE: Tuesday, 18 March 2025
TIME: 7:00 pm
This presentation is Part 1 of a two-part series.
Join for an exclusive session with two of Australia's leading experts in youth wellbeing and cybersafety, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg and Susan McLean. Gain invaluable insights on how to empower young people to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
Topics in this session will include:
- New Regulations on Social Media
- Cyberbullying
- Exposure to Hate Speech
- Online Safety and Fraud
**** IMPORTANT ****
Please note, this webinar is a one-off event and will not be available to replay later.
To register, please scan the QR code found on the promotional material below.
All Year 12 completers from last year will soon receive an invitation to participate in the Next Step survey. This is their chance to help our school to understand the different pathways of the 2024 Year 12 students and to improve our senior programs and supports for future students. The survey only takes five minutes and asks graduates about their study and work activities since finishing school.
As a thank you for participating, Year 12 completers who complete the survey will be entered into a draw to win a MacBook Air.
We ask parents, siblings and friends to encourage our graduates to complete the survey. If their contact details have changed, please assist survey interviewers by providing their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Graduates may receive an invitation by mail, email or phone. The survey can be completed online or by phone.
For more information about Next Step, including previous results, visit
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 2025 QISSN (Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Netball) team.
- Eliza Bonner - Yr 12
- Sophie Brunckhorst - Yr 12
- Jess Ellis - Yr 12
- Heidi Favaro - Yr 12
- Lillian Kendall - Yr 11
- Addison McCosker - Yr 11
- Ashlin Searle - Yr 12
- Eden Shatte - Yr 11
- Annie Skuse - Yr 11
- Charlotte Zanatta - Yr 10
A huge thank you to Kayelene O’Dea (Coach), Sandra Ellis (Manager), and Katrina Hawira for overseeing the selection process.
Kayelene and Sandra were highly impressed by the talent displayed by all the girls at the trial days, making the final team selection a particularly challenging task this year.
We are excited to announce that the QISSN 2025 will take place in Bundaberg from June 29 to July 4. Team training sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 7am.
We extend our best wishes to the team as they prepare for the competition.
On Friday, 29th February, representatives from Queensland Cricket visited and worked with Prep, Year 1, and Year 2 students in preparation for the Girls Cricket Blasters Program, which starts on Wednesday, 5th March.
For more information and to register, please see the flyers below.

Four futsal teams eagerly embarked on early morning buses for a day brimming with fun, skills, and competition.
The Under 10 girls team made their debut this year, with three schools participating in this age group. Although the girls didn't secure a win, they gave it their all and gained invaluable experience, making the most of their first-ever school competition.
The Under 10 boys faced tough competition but worked tirelessly throughout the day, finishing with 2 wins and 2 losses. The team's exemplary teamwork and dedication were commendable. Well done, boys!
The Under 12 girls displayed tremendous effort and collaboration, achieving 2 wins, a draw, and a loss, which propelled them into the semi-finals. Although they didn't advance to the final, their determination and spirit shone through.
The Under 12 boys experienced mixed results. They reached the quarter-finals but unfortunately lost to a team that had previously won the nationals. The boys concluded the day with 3 wins and 2 losses.
Great effort, everyone!
Congratulations to Jessica Pradella who has qualified for the Darling Downs (DD) swim team after her outstanding performance at the qualifying swims held in Gatton on Tuesday, March 4th. Competing in the 13-19 Years category, Jessica competed in four events and placed 2nd in three of them, and 3rd in the remaining one. These stellar results have earned her a well-deserved spot on the DD team!
Jessica will be representing us in the following events:
50m Backstroke
200m Freestyle
200m Individual Medley
In addition to her impressive overall performance, Jessica achieved a personal best time in the 200m Individual Medley.
Congratulations, Jessica!
Congratulations also to Jordan and Emma Pradella who have qualified for the Darling Downs Under 12 Swimming Team! The twins also attended the trials in Gatton on Wednesday, March 5th, and performed exceptionally well.
Emma qualified for the following events:
50m Butterfly
100m Backstroke
50m Backstroke
200m Individual Medley (IM)
50m Breaststroke
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
200m Backstroke
Jordan qualified for the following events:
50m Butterfly
100m Backstroke
50m Backstroke
50m Breaststroke
50m Freestyle
100m Freestyle
We are very proud of their hard work and dedication. Congratulations, Jordan and Emma!
10 March | Darling Downs Basketball (17-19Yrs) |
10 - 11 March | Darling Downs Cricket (11-12Yrs) |
11 March | Primary Parent Teacher Consultations Begin |
12 - 14 March | NAPLAN |
12 March | Granite Belt Rugby League |
QDB Debating - Seniors (Round 1) | |
13 March | Granite Belt Netball |
16 March | Laura Geitz Cup |
17 - 21 March | Bookfair |
17 March | NAPLAN |
St Patrick's Day | |
18 - 21 March | NAPLAN Catch-Up Day |
19 March | QDB Debating - Years 8 & 10 (Round 2) |
20 March | Granite Belt Basketball |
Darling Downs Orienteering (10-19Yrs) | |
21 March | Harmony Day |
P & F St Patrick's Day Event |